Poland’s first Voice Bot in the safety and security industry
After an exhausting day of work you come home and all you dream about is a cup of tea and good music. You open the door, take off your shoes and walk to the kitchen. Halfway there, the silence is cut by the deafening sound of the alarm. Well, yes! The alarm had to be unlocked after all. Now all that is left is to wait for a contact from a security company or even for the arrival of a patrol, which will charge your account additionally. And yet it did not have to be like that at all..
In frequently recurring incidents such as this story, it is necessary to contact the security company’s monitoring station in person and confirm that the alarm activation was your fault. Similarly, in other situations (such as activation of the alarm by a temporary power failure, a malfunction or other message from the alarm system) it was necessary to contact the monitoring station and talk to the security company’s dispatcher on duty. Here, however, there is a bottleneck in the form of efficiency of monitoring stations – the number of people on dispatcher positions and the possibility of efficient response to the event – especially of mass character. An example would be a power outage over a large area, resulting in the need to contact multiple customers at once. The performance of the system is then also put to a severe test, so that some of the requests may be serviced with a delay, to the dissatisfaction of customers.
“This is the automatic assistant of the Seris monitoring center…”
Seris Konsalnet was aware of these limitations and the resulting problems.
We have been looking for a solution, which would automate the contact with the customer in case of standard situations, for a long time says Cezary Kukuć, Director of Alarm Monitoring Station in Seris Konsalnet. – It had to be a solution that would ensure effective contact with the client, i.e. a given notification would be handled successfully and at the same time it would relieve the team of dispatchers, who then have the opportunity to respond even faster to notifications requiring human intervention. Our choice fell on the Voice Bot solution. This is the first implementation of this type on the Polish security and safety market and at the same time one of the most advanced in our country.
The communication system of the Alarm Monitoring Station has been integrated with the automatic voice communication system. This required Seris Konsalnet’s team to identify and program call scenarios in standard cases and implement a system to handle several thousand of the company’s customers.
We have developed 11 different framework scenarios of interactive conversations, each of which has its own variants, appearing depending on the reaction of the interlocutor explains Cezary Kukuć. – In the case of a signal from an alarm system, e.g. At home, the machine immediately contacts the customer, introduces itself, identifies the caller by voice and the established emergency code, and forwards the message or solves the problem. The system is so effective that we have already implemented it at all of our clients, significantly shortening the response time to an event and reducing stress on the part of the client. The machine conducts the conversation so naturally that some customers do not realize they are talking to a bot. This is a fascinating solution and I think that it is the future of possible to automate contacts with contractors. This solution also fits into our strategy of computerization and automation, carried out in all companies of the Konsalnet Group.
The solution has been implemented for individual customers and small companies using Seris Konsalnet monitoring services and for the time being it is not planned to customize it for the needs of individual installations. With large business customers, which Seris Konsalnet serves in thousands, there is an element of individualization and flexibility of the offer, which is difficult to render in the form of a scripted conversation with a machine.