CloudHosting – the best choice for your online store
COVID-19 pandemic influenced the change of previous business strategies. With land-based commerce hampered, and face-to-face interactions reduced, companies have turned to e-commerce. The rise of online sales is estimated to be a continuing trend that is already shaping the future of global commerce. When deciding on an online store, it is worth paying attention to the quality of hosting, i.e. the place on the Internet where we want to run our sales platform. Polish leader in this area is invariably the name.pl, the company recognized by IT professionals as a hosting company of 2020.
Speed matters
Restrictions on land-based retail have translated into an increase in new online stores. Many entrepreneurs have discovered that Online sales can bring significant profits by reducing maintenance costs and going beyond the local market. However, the competition is not sleeping. E-commerce market is getting saturated, so companies are forced to look for significant advantages in the fight for customers.
In addition to the most obvious factors, such as proper marketing and quality merchandise, you should also – take care of the speed of your e-shop. Often entrepreneurs underestimate this aspect, thinking that a good product will defend itself. However, research into consumer online behavior does not support this optimistic assumption. Google revealed that 53% of users abandon visiting a website if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load. Since e-shops usually contain a number of advanced features that significantly load the servers, it is not difficult to increase the time of site generation.
The basis for fast e-shop operation is therefore proper hosting. In Poland, the position of the IT industry leader is invariably held by the name.en. The CloudHosting services it offers provide lightning-fast website performance by connecting modern cloud computing infrastructure and Content Delivery Network (CDN) managed by the company.pl).
The fastest web hosting in Poland
Company name.pl offers its services based on state-of-the-art equipment, m.in. Intel Optane drives with 3D Xpoint technology and ultra-fast Intel Xeon E-2288G server processors, clocked at 5 GHz. Services name.pl are realized in CloudHosting technology, which is in every way superior to traditional hosting.
What is the advantage of CloudHosting? In the case of regular hosting, an online store is hosted on a single server with limited power. The sudden load on the service, which is not hard to happen with online stores (e.g. promotional campaigns, sales), may cause problems with its functioning. CloudHosting is an integrated network of thousands of servers that ensures stable and maximum speed of customers’ websites. In case of sudden increase of traffic on one of the servers in the cluster, special devices such as load balancers redirect traffic to the least busy machines in a split second. Thus The risk of a sudden slowdown in the operation of an e-shop is simply eliminated.